Please note that Dima is possibly not the only person affected.  Matthias 
said that he blocked me, too:

In the 
code of conduct committee stated, that blocking may be appropriate in 
certain cases, such a harassment or stalking, although it is harming the 
sage project.

I am not aware of any harassment or stalking I would have done, and I was 
not given a reason.  If this is not resolved, I will try to leave the 
project as soon as I have finished my duties.

In fact, I find it quite hard to digest that work continues on these 
tickets as if nothing had happened, resulting in github hiding them 


On Friday 23 August 2024 at 12:15:58 UTC+2 Kwankyu Lee wrote:

> On Friday, August 23, 2024 at 6:09:36 PM UTC+9 wrote:
> This doesn't work well with blocked GitHub users allowed for some reason 
> in our project - one cannot directly comment on, or review, PRs whose 
> authors block other users. Such users can still change labels, 
> to indicate disagreement.
> As we are discussing related issues, let us be clear about your case. I am 
> asking the CoC committee:
> 1. Should Matthias stop blocking Dima from his PRs?
> 2. If Dima is kept in the blocked state,  does he have rights to 
> participate in the reviewing process of the PRs?
> Sorry for more questions, but answers to these questions are necessary for 
> proper handling of

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