On Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 12:56:15 AM UTC+9 julian...@fsfe.org wrote:

implies that "disputed" label is only for a PR that has positive review 
from a reviewer but another still objects it. I think adding "disputed" 
label prematurely is not appropriate. Then who can remove the "disputed" 
label in this case?

That's not how I interpret the policy we have. I think the idea is to first 
use the "needs whatever" labels and when no agreement can be reached, then 
"disputed" can be set. If we had to wait for a "positive review", then 
there would be a race condition of sorts: You'd have to be fast so the 
release manager does not pick the PR up while the positive review label is 

OK. That concern is reasonable. Then at least there should be explicit 
issues (expressed in comments) on which the author and the negative 
reviewer disagrees before "disputed" label is added.  


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