On Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 3:56:15 AM UTC-7 Dima Pasechnik wrote:

What's described here is a very well known fact: "pip install" (or "sage 
--pip install") might mess up your venv, anyone who works with large 
collections of python packages is well aware of it.

That's right. 
People are aware of it when they use pip _manually_.
And when something goes wrong, people tend to delete their venvs and start 

Talking about it as something "underdeveloped in Sage" is a bit strange, 
these are just well-known features and deficiencies of pip.

You are missing the point: We cannot build something that is expected to be 
robust on top of this automated use of "pip", to install and update 
packages one by one, in the Sage distribution. 

Yet, pytest, a pip package, is installed and used rather regularly in Sage, 
and nobody gets hurt. It is found to be safe to install this particular 
package this way ("pip install pytest" does not affect anything in the Sage 
venv, that's why).

That so far there has not been breakage (other than that our use of pytest 
itself was entirely broken) just means that we have been lucky.
There is simply no mechanism that is keeping it safe, even retroactively (= 
for the same published version of Sage).
Even pinning the pytest version would not be enough because any of its 
_dependencies_ (unpinned, and undeclared in the Sage distribution), when a 
future version of that is published to PyPI, can add an incompatible 
dependency itself. 
By converting packages to "pip" packages, these interdependencies -- 
exactly through the random packages that nobody wants to know or care about 
-- are hidden complexity, which only becomes visible when something breaks.

There is no reason not to promote it to standard and keep it a pip package.

(Same applies to any other well-isolated from the rest of Sage bunch of 
packages, e.g. Sphinx+Jupyter, i.e. the vast majority of Python packages

No, that's just wishful thinking. There's absolutely no mechanism that 
isolates them. 
Common dependencies can become incompatible, and then by the action of the 
resolver, things will break.

The extra tax we pay by not using pip

packages more has started to outweight  the benefits long ago. People 

don't want to spend extra time and other resources
to maintain and build often somewhat outdated versions of packages which 
are available from PyPI in a ready way.

Not sure which "people" you are attempting to speak for here, and on what 
But most of the packages that you are talking about are "wheel" packages. 
They are not "built", they are only installed. 
And that packages may be "outdated" is outweighed by actually having 
already been tested in this combination, so that users can actually be 
users and not perpetual beta-testers.

Pinning versions works, as everyone knows.

The precaution of not using "pip install" in the Sage venv is akin to the 
same precaution done by most, if not all, Linux distros, which just forbid 
installing packages with pip into the main python environment. (one needs a 
venv to use pip install).

Good observation. Yes, this is part of best practices for exactly the same 
(It has recently been standardized via the EXTERNALLY-MANAGED mechanism; 
see https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37250, needs review)

Sage is a white crow among other python packages, in its way how it demands 
hundreds of particular versions
of extra python packages to come along.

No, Sage does not "demand" particular versions. 
The Sage distribution "provides" a set of particular versions that have 
been tested to work well together.

That's how software distributions work. That's the whole point.

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