On Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11:38:34 AM UTC-5 Dima Pasechnik wrote:

Before looking at 
we should look at this proposal again, as pytest is a very suitable 
candidate for the kinds of packages (standard pip packages)
proposed here.

Indeed, nothing (save for a very marginal case of a complete offline 
install - and this can be helped if there is a will to allow such packages)
is gained by mechanically adding the  pytest dependencies into Sage the 

And doing this an extra code bloat, with stuff we don't patch, and don't 
even know what's there.
E.g. we can add a backdoored,or otherwise broken, version of one of these 
into the distro, giving it extra legitimacy for no reason.

If we kept pytest as a pip package, and did not explicitly add its 
additional dependencies (iniconfig and exceptiongroup), that makes it 
harder to quickly check whether a backdoored/broken package is even part of 

Also, in the original discussion in this thread in February, some argued 
that there was no reason to pin the version of pytest.  As Matthias points 
out elsewhere, since then the release of pytest 8.* broke Sage's 
preliminary pytest support [1]. 



[1] https://github.com/sagemath/sage/pull/37999

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