On Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 12:56:30 AM UTC-7 Martin R wrote:

do I understand correctly that common lisp (via maxima) is the main 
dependency that prevents sagemath from being pip-installable?


For one, SageMath is already pip-installable. 
That was one of the first deliverables of the modularization project, 
completed in 2021.

It's documented in our README: 

However, installing Sage in this way is equivalent to installing the full 
Sage distribution from source in the normal way. (This is 
what https://pypi.org/project/sage-conf/ does.)
It takes very long. This alone makes it simply not suitable as a dependency 
of other pip-installable projects.

In another message, you asked:
> 1.) Is there an example for someone who did not want to use sage because 
of some dependency of the math library?  Or at least a possible reason? 
[...] But this begs the question: who profits from cutting the math library 
into pieces (which look very arbitrary to me and have a curious emphasis on 
discrete math topics)?

If you do allow me another example from discrete math: Sage has a lot of 
very good code in "sage.graphs" that provides functionality that is not 
available from other Python libraries. 

But to potential projects that would need this functionality, the 
proposition to have to depend on the monolithic project SageMath, with 
hours of compilation time and/or dependencies on system packages that are 
obviously unrelated to the needed functionality (boost, brial, ecl, eclib, 
ecm, fflas_ffpack, flint, libgd, gap, giac, givaro, glpk, gmp, gsl, iml, 
lcalc, libbraiding, libhomfly, libpng, linbox, m4ri, m4rie, mpc, mpfi, 
mpfr, ntl, pari, rw, singular, symmetrica), is simply a showstopper.

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