On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 5:08:02 AM UTC-7 Martin R wrote:

*> What is the modularization project?* The Sage developer community has 
long been aware of the severe problems that the monolithic design of Sage 
has brought. See in particular the lively 2016 sage-devel thread "How we 
develop Sage" (https://groups.google.com/g/sage-devel/c/29ndCD8z94k) 
initiated by William.

I looked at a few of the messages in this thread (there are something like 
hundred messages, I feel unable to read them all).  I would like to make 
two remarks

* 26 persons participated in this thread, roughly 10 of these are still 
* many of the messages were quite critical regarding modularization of the 
math library in sage
* it seems to me that at least a big part of the thread is about 
modularization of the *infrastructure* of sage, not the math library.

In any case, I do not see consensus in this thread.

Of course there was not a "consensus"'; at that time there was not even a 

I was citing the thread, as I indicated, to support my sentence, "The Sage 
developer community has long been aware of the severe problems that the 
monolithic design of Sage has brought."

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