
> Could you post some cool impressive benchmarks? :-)
>  william

ok :-)

Here the result for finding one root in GF(p) where p is 128, 256 and
512 bit prime:

Results for 128 bit prime:
Time: CPU 0.04 s, Wall: 0.04 s
Number of roots found:
Time: CPU 0.00 s, Wall: 0.00 s
Number of roots found:
Results for 256 bit prime:
Time: CPU 0.96 s, Wall: 0.96 s
Number of roots found:
Time: CPU 0.00 s, Wall: 0.00 s
Number of roots found:
Results for 512 bit prime:
Time: CPU 9.94 s, Wall: 10.09 s
Number of roots found:
Time: CPU 0.00 s, Wall: 0.00 s
Number of roots found:

This shows only that the old implementation was inefficient for large
p. The results for the original implementation for 256 and 512 bit are
not contained in the following results, since sqrt(a) returned an
error for the 256 bit and 512 bit case. Here are the results for 100
random values for a. Find x: x^2==a mod p

Results for 128 bit prime:
Time: CPU 5.36 s, Wall: 5.41 s
Number of roots found:
Time: CPU 0.07 s, Wall: 0.08 s
Number of roots found:
Results for 256 bit prime:
Time: CPU 0.10 s, Wall: 0.10 s
Number of roots found:
Results for 512 bit prime:
Time: CPU 0.30 s, Wall: 0.33 s
Number of roots found:

Here is the complete code I used:

def step3(b,p,r,x):
        # Step 3: Find exponent
        if GF(p)(b) == GF(p)(1):
                return b,r,x,0
        m = 0
        while GF(p)(b**(2**m)) != 1:
                m = m + 1
        if m == r:
                return b,r,0,0
        return b,r,x,m

def s_root(a,p):
        # Step 0: Determine q:
        q = 0
        e = 0
        while q % 2 != 1:
                e = e+1
                q = (p-1) / 2**e
        # Step 1: Find generator
        n = ZZ.random_element()
        while kronecker(n,p) != -1:
                n = ZZ.random_element()
        n = GF(p)(n)
        z = GF(p)(n**q)
        # Step 2: Initialize
        y = z
        r = e
        a = GF(p)(a)
        x = GF(p)(a**((q-1)/2))
        b = GF(p)(a*(x**2))
        x = GF(p)(a*x)
        # Step 3:
        b,r,x,m = step3(b,p,r,x)
        # Step 4: Reduce exponent
        while ZZ(m) != ZZ(0):
                t = GF(p)(y**(2**(r-m-1)))
                y = GF(p)(t**2)
                r = GF(p)(m)
                x = GF(p)(x*t)
                b = GF(p)(b*y)
                b,r,x,m = step3(b,p,r,x)
        return x

A = {}

def go1(p):
        X = {}
        for i in range(0,len(A)):
                X[i] = sqrt(GF(p)(A[i]))
        return X

def go2(p):
        X ={}
        for i in range(0,len(A)):
                X[i] = s_root(A[i], p)
        return X

def analyseResult(A,X,p):
        numberRoots = 0
        for i in range(0,len(A)):
                x = X[i]
                a = A[i]
                if x in GF(p):
                        if (GF(p)(x) != GF(p)(0)) & (GF(p)(x**2) != GF(p)(a)):
                                print 'Error in implemenation'
                        elif GF(p)(x) != GF(p)(0):
                                numberRoots = numberRoots + 1
        print 'Number of roots found:'
        print numberRoots

n = 100

print 'Results for 128 bit prime:'
p = next_prime(2^(128))
while p % 4 != 1:
        p = next_prime(p+1)

for i in range(0,n):
        A[i] = GF(p).random_element()

print 'Original:'
time X = go1(p)

print 'Tonelli:'
time X = go2(p)

print 'Results for 256 bit prime:'
p = next_prime(2^(256))
while p % 4 != 1:
        p = next_prime(p+1)

for i in range(0,n):
        A[i] = GF(p).random_element()

#print 'Original:'
#time X = go1(p)

print 'Tonelli:'
time X = go2(p)

print 'Results for 512 bit prime:'
p = next_prime(2^(512))
while p % 4 != 1:
        p = next_prime(p+1)

for i in range(0,n):
        A[i] = GF(p).random_element()

#print 'Original:'
#time X = go1(p)

print 'Tonelli:'
time X = go2(p)

-- Steffen

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