On Nov 9, 2007, at 1:43 PM, John Cremona wrote:

> [Hello Robert -- are you in Bristol yet?]

Just got in.

> I'm puzzled now.  My comment on inefficiency and Steffen's were based
> on the code
>>                 for i from 0 <= i <= n/2:
>>                     if (i*i) % n == self.ivalue:
>>                         return self._new_c(i)
> but now when I do a.sqrt?? I do not see that code.  Steffen, are you
> using 2.8.12?

This depends on the size of the modulus. There are three types-- 
IntegerMod_int32, IntegerMod_int64, and IntegerMod_gmp. The 32-bit  
one has that code, and only for small p. If your modulus is beg  
enough, a.sqrt?? won't give you that at all.

> John
> On 09/11/2007, Steffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thx, I am wondering why I did not try the command a.sqrt?? on my own.
>> However, it seems as the implemented algorithm is not the most
>> efficient one. My result from a.sqrt?? from the latest release:
>> def sqrt(self, extend=True, all=False):
>>         cdef int_fast32_t i, n = self.__modulus.int32
>>         if n > 100:
>>             moduli = self._parent.factored_order()
>>         # Unless the modulus is tiny, test to see if we're in the
>> really
>>         # easy case of n prime, n = 3 mod 4.
>>         if n > 100 and n % 4 == 3 and len(moduli) == 1 and moduli[0]
>> [1] == 1:
>>             if jacobi_int(self.ivalue, self.__modulus.int32) == 1:
>>                 # it's a non-zero square, sqrt(a) = a^(p+1)/4
>>                 i = mod_pow_int(self.ivalue, (self.__modulus.int32 
>> +1)/
>> 4, n)
>>                 if i > n/2:
>>                     i = n-i
>>                 if all:
>>                     return [self._new_c(i), self._new_c(n-i)]
>>                 else:
>>                     return self._new_c(i)
>>             elif self.ivalue == 0:
>>                 return self
>>             elif not extend:
>>                 raise ValueError, "self must be a square"
>>         # Now we use a heuristic to guess whether or not it will
>>         # be faster to just brute-force search for squares in a c
>> loop...
>>         # TODO: more tuning?
>>         elif n <= 100 or n / (1 << len(moduli)) < 5000:
>>             if all:
>>                 return [self._new_c(i) for i from 0 <= i < n if (i*i)
>> % n == self.ivalue]
>>             else:
>>                 for i from 0 <= i <= n/2:
>>                     if (i*i) % n == self.ivalue:
>>                         return self._new_c(i)
>>                 if not extend:
>>                     raise ValueError, "self must be a square"
>>         # Either it failed but extend was True, or the generic
>> algorithm is better
>>         return IntegerMod_abstract.sqrt(self, extend=extend, all=all)
>> The easier %4 == 3 case seems to be implemented efficiently, but the
>> %4 == 1 not. The algo from Tonelli and Shanks might be a good  
>> solution
>> here. Any thoughts on other/better algorithm?
>> Steffen
>> On 9 Nov., 18:24, "John Cremona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Use the ?? operator to see the algorithm:
>>> sage: a=GF(next_prime(10^6)).random_element()^2;
>>> sage: a.sqrt??
>>> Type:           builtin_function_or_method
>>> Base Class:     <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
>>> String Form:    <built-in method sqrt of
>>> sage.rings.integer_mod.IntegerMod_int64 object at 0x99055a4>
>>> Namespace:      Interactive
>>> Source:
>>>     def sqrt(self, extend=True, all=False):
>>>         r"""
>>>         Returns square root or square roots of self modulo n.
>>>         INPUT:
>>>             extend -- bool (default: True); if True, return a square
>>>                  root in an extension ring, if necessary. Otherwise,
>>>                  raise a ValueError if the square is not in the  
>>> base ring.
>>>             all -- bool (default: False); if True, return *all*  
>>> square
>>>                    roots of self, instead of just one.
>>>         ALGORITHM: Calculates the square roots mod $p$ for each  
>>> of the
>>>         primes $p$ dividing the order of the ring, then lifts them
>>>         p-adically and uses the CRT to find a square root mod $n$.
>>>         See also \code{square_root_mod_prime_power} and
>>>         \code{square_root_mod_prime} (in this module) for more
>>>         algorithmic details.
>>>         EXAMPLES:
>>>             sage: mod(-1, 17).sqrt()
>>>             4
>>>             sage: mod(5, 389).sqrt()
>>>             86
>>>             sage: mod(7, 18).sqrt()
>>>             5
>>>             sage: a = mod(14, 5^60).sqrt()
>>>             sage: a*a
>>>             14
>>>             sage: mod(15, 389).sqrt(extend=False)
>>>             Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>             ...
>>>             ValueError: self must be a square
>>>             sage: Mod(1/9, next_prime(2^40)).sqrt()^(-2)
>>>             9
>>>             sage: Mod(1/25, next_prime(2^90)).sqrt()^(-2)
>>>             25
>>>             sage: a = Mod(3,5); a
>>>             3
>>>             sage: x = Mod(-1, 360)
>>>             sage: x.sqrt(extend=False)
>>>             Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>             ...
>>>             ValueError: self must be a square
>>>             sage: y = x.sqrt(); y
>>>             sqrt359
>>>             sage: y.parent()
>>>             Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in sqrt359 over Ring
>>> of integers modulo 360 with modulus x^2 + 1
>>>             sage: y^2
>>>             359
>>>         We compute all square roots in several cases:
>>>             sage: R = Integers(5*2^3*3^2); R
>>>             Ring of integers modulo 360
>>>             sage: R(40).sqrt(all=True)
>>>             [20, 160, 200, 340]
>>>             sage: [x for x in R if x^2 == 40]  # Brute force  
>>> verification
>>>             [20, 160, 200, 340]
>>>             sage: R(1).sqrt(all=True)
>>>             [1, 19, 71, 89, 91, 109, 161, 179, 181, 199, 251, 269,
>>> 271, 289, 341, 359]
>>>             sage: R(0).sqrt(all=True)
>>>             [0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300]
>>>             sage: R = Integers(5*13^3*37); R
>>>             Ring of integers modulo 406445
>>>             sage: v = R(-1).sqrt(all=True); v
>>>             [78853, 111808, 160142, 193097, 213348, 246303,  
>>> 294637, 327592]
>>>             sage: [x^2 for x in v]
>>>             [406444, 406444, 406444, 406444, 406444, 406444,  
>>> 406444, 406444]
>>>             sage: v = R(169).sqrt(all=True); min(v), -max(v), len(v)
>>>             (13, 13, 104)
>>>             sage: all([x^2==169 for x in v])
>>>             True
>>>         Modulo a power of 2:
>>>             sage: R = Integers(2^7); R
>>>             Ring of integers modulo 128
>>>             sage: a = R(17)
>>>             sage: a.sqrt()
>>>             23
>>>             sage: a.sqrt(all=True)
>>>             [23, 41, 87, 105]
>>>             sage: [x for x in R if x^2==17]
>>>             [23, 41, 87, 105]
>>>         """
>>>         if self.is_one():
>>>             if all:
>>>                 return list(self.parent().square_roots_of_one())
>>>             else:
>>>                 return self
>>>         if not self.is_square_c():
>>>             if extend:
>>>  and so on!
>>> John
>>> On 09/11/2007, Steffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I need to find square roots in GF(prime). I did it like this:
>>>> y = sqrt(GF(prime)(ySquare))
>>>> So far I am not quite happy with the calculation periods and I  
>>>> would
>>>> like to know which algorithm is used. In my case is prime % 4 == 1,
>>>> which is the hardest case to find the square root mod p. I am sage
>>>> newbie and probably its again only a command that I cant find. I  
>>>> tried
>>>> sqrt? and similar things, but only got the information that sqrt  
>>>> is a
>>>> symbolic function. Could somebody tell me which algo is  
>>>> implemented or
>>>> better how to find the implemented algo.
>>>> Cheers, Steffen
>>> --
>>> John Cremona
> -- 
> John Cremona

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