I do not agree with the radical statement that there should not be
coercions in that direction.  There is a coercion from QQ to ZZ.
Why shouldn't there be a coercion from a polynomial ring to its
base ring? Sage should mimic the way mathematicians think.

I agree that perhaps this situation can be recognized automatically.


On May 22, 11:53 am, "David Roe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> These are all basically examples of sections of injective canonical maps
> going the other direction.  There clearly shouldn't be a coerce method going
> that direction because the objects are not isomorphic.  If we switch to a
> data-driven, category theoretic coercion system, it should be possible to
> recognize this kind of situation and handle it appropriately.  Personally,
> I'd like to see what comes out of discussions at SD4 (or before too I
> suppose) on the feasibility of such an extension to Sage's coercion model,
> and how it would work.
> David
> On 5/22/07, Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm concerned that your proposal, if I understand it correctly,
> > > will make it difficult to avoid infinite loops.  Could you flesh
> > > out your proposal more, and specifically address issues
> > > involving infinite loops?
> > I guess this was more of an idea than a proposal.  But given
> > the rethinking of the coercion model it is perhaps appropriate
> > to raise it.
> > To address your concerrn wouldn't it be sufficient to specify that
> > _noncanonical_into_
> > should *not* call R(self). Or if it *really* wants to then it should
> > do R._call_(self) (single underscore).
> > In the examples I have in mind things are pretty simple.
> > Constant diagonal matrices --> base ring.
> > Fraction field element-> base ring (if the denominator is a unit)
> > Constant polynomials -> base ring.
> > Field extension -> base field (if applicable)
> > etc...
> > Michel

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