On 5/22/07, Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not agree with the radical statement that there should not be
> (non-canonical)
> coercions in that direction.  There is a coercion from QQ to ZZ.

You misunderstand -- by "coercion" David Roe meant a canonical
coercion, which is defined by the _coerce_impl_ method in SAGE.
There is no canonical coercion QQ --> ZZ.

> Why shouldn't there be a coercion from a polynomial ring to its
> base ring?

Nobody says there shouldn't be a coerce map.  But it should
not be automatic or canonical, i.e., called automatically in simplifying
arithmetic expressions.

> Sage should mimic the way mathematicians think.
> I agree that perhaps this situation can be recognized automatically.

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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