I would like to see the file size of the web pages that the notebook is dishing out be addressed, because I have been on several computers where the public notebooks take much longer to show than on the library computers.
sagenb.org 872.67 KB http://sagenb.org/doc_browser?/?index.html 867.21 KB sagenb.com 357.59 KB http://sagenb.com/doc_browser?/?index.html 350.56 KB The problem seems to be with the links to worksheets in the sidebar. <a class="worksheet_other" onclick="switch_to_worksheet('186')" onmouseover="show_worksheet_menu(186)" href="/RRT">RRT (2) </a><br /> A way to fix that would be: HTML <div id="wlc"> <ul id="wl"> <li><a href="/factortree">factortree (5)</a></li> <li><a href="/EllipticCurvePlots">EllipticCurvePlots (4)</a></li> <li><a href="/Final_Exam_">Final_Exam (1)</a></li> <li><a href="/Gap">Gap (5)</a></li> </ul> </div> CSS #wl li { font: 12px sans-serif; display:inline; } #wl { width:180px; padding:0; } #wl a { border-top:1px #ccc solid; padding-left: 5px; width:99.99%; display:block; background-color:#fff; text-decoration:none; color:#000; } #wl a:hover { background:#ccc; } #wl a:visited { color:#000; } The above code is based on http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical12.htm Also the navbar at the top could be turned into a pipe list. See http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/horizontal32.htm I would also like to see the issue with multiple people using the interactive documentation fixed and also a way to create worksheets where users can use them without changing the sheet nor messing up other user's session with that sheet. On 5/16/07, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Hello, > > This is a very preliminary first draft of the Sage Days 4 design > document for the next version of notebook. The following people will > all be around at SD4 to work on the notebook: W Stein, Tom Boothby, > Dorian Ramier, Alex Clemesha, and Yi Qiang. > > If you use the notebook, please comment on the following list. You > can also make changes > at the SD 4 projects wiki page: http://www.sagemath.org:9001/days4/projects > > 1. Convert the web server so that it uses twisted's multithreaded > server (either twisted web like moinmoin or twisted web2). > 2. Make it so that the server use https to secure all > communications and logins. > 3. Figure out precisely why the notebook feels sluggish when > running locally on _certain_ platforms. Consider removing features in > the interest of speed. Also seriously consider making it so maybe 3 > SAGE instances are pre-started by the notebook server when it is > fairly idle so that new worksheets appear to starting working > immediately. > 4. Make it so each user of the notebook has an account on the > notebook, and can only see worksheets that are explicitly shared by > other users. Worksheet names would internally be prefaced with the > user name. > 5. Interface issues: > 1. Highlighting a block of text and pressing tab indents it > four spaces; similarly, pressing shift-tab dedents it four spaces. > 2. Uploading a worksheet should not display an empty page. > 6. Create a worksheet settings panel; use this to: > 1. Set the math software system used to evaluate cells > 2. Determine whether pressing shift-enter jumps to the next > cell or stays in current one. > 3. Determine whether or not the side bar is displayed (the > left button wall could still be used to toggle it). > 7. Create a notebook settings panel: > 1. Whether or not panel is displayed by default > 2. Whether shift enter or enter evaluates a cell (Mathematica > or Maple mode) > 3. Default CAS for new worksheets. > 8. Change "slide-show mode" to "single cell mode". Make it so the > editor in this mode is a full-fledged code editor. > 9. Slide-show mode should flip through slides, which should be > well-defined sections of the worksheet. > 10. Printing needs to be rewritten as follows: Given a single > worksheet, print it by (1) saving it to a latex file with embedded > images, and (2) running pdflatex on the result, then return the > resulting pdf file and/or a tarball with the images and latex. This > would be very high quality, and will also be something that would be > easily included in latex documents. Printing a notebook (=all > worksheets owned by a given user) would create a document with a > section for each notebook. > 11.Rewrite saving/loading of worksheets, so it doesn't use pickle. > Instead use the ''s text encoding and the images in directories. > 12. Finish implementing the html/edit mode: (1) images shouldn't get > deleted on saving, (2) inserting new cells shouldn't be broken, and > (3) it would be really nice, and probably easy, to have a WYSIWYG html > editor mode like the one in moinmoin in which I'm writing this right > now. > 13. Fix the bug where variables aren't listed in the sidebar. > 14. Implement correct tab completion in the worksheet when in > system-other-than-sage mode (i.e., don't put magma.foo[tab]) > 15. Add support for user javascript in the worksheet cells along > with basic graphics (Robert Miller). See > http://www.sagemath.org:9002/sage_trac/ticket/359 > 16. Create an option so that processes that run the actual > worksheets can be started as a different user. This will be slower, > but could be vastly more robust. With sufficient thought there might > be a trick to implement this in a few lines of code. > > > -- > William Stein > Associate Professor of Mathematics > University of Washington > http://www.williamstein.org > > > > --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URLs: http://sage.scipy.org/sage/ and http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/ -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---