Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On May 18, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Nick Alexander wrote:
>> One way to make notifications less obtrusive is to make them
>> omnipresent.  That is, the banner could always read
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> | SAGE Version 2.5.alpha2, Release Date: 2007-05-02
>> | Latest version is 2.5.alpha3, type upgrade() to upgrade.
>> | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> While we're at it, maybe the banner should also tell you if you're
>> running a vanilla sage or a hacked sage and maybe what the last hg tag
>> was.
> I like this idea. It would be nice if you could get this information  
> from the notebook too--and if (somewhere unobtrusively) it had the  
> name of the branch you were working on (assuming it's not main, this  
> is something I've actually wanted for a while).

In fact, you can more or less do this using hg_sage and friends.  I
once submitted a patch that did all the version/branch reporting
before you go shell into python -- so you could abort faster if you
run the wrong branch -- and I could dust that off and add a function
to report such status information at the same time.


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