On Thursday 17 May 2007 13:00, Nick Alexander wrote:
> > It's not at all clear to me without further discussion and benchmarking
> > what the right optimization is so that rational functions over fields are
> > sufficiently fast.  I definitely wouldn't make any changes
> > to this without some discussion.  Basically, are you suggesting that one
> > not call reduce until, e.g., printing?  Or at least until some sort of
> > operations that require the thing be reduced?  When do you want
> > to call reduce?
> You can't let things pile up indefinitely; this was a problem with
> quotient fields that was fixed a while back.  The intermediate values
> get large, especially when powering, so that the final reduce is
> ridiculously expensive.  I'm not certain what the right behaviour is,
> but I don't like the idea of trying to have tricky behaviour to reduce
> only at the right moment.  Always or never, I say.

I agree.

I think that reduce needs to be worked on intensively before any decision is 
made about when to call it.  It's not just printing, there's other things 
like comparisons that need to force it as well.  I think once you get all 
those forcing figured out you are going to be calling it pretty often (of 
course, that depends on your actual project at hand).


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