On Thursday 17 May 2007 14:00, Michel wrote:
> What do you mean by "working on reduce". Reduce is just a call
> to gcd which then calls singular (over appropriate fields).

Hmm, I didn't look at the particular code in question.  Perhaps I'm speaking 
non-sense.  My comments stemmed from my experience with a fraction field over 
a polynomial ring with base a cyclotomic base field.  It was a while ago (and 
maybe something has changed).

> By "comparison" do you mean testing for equality? I don't think
> you need reduce for that (just did a test in a polynomial ring over a
> number field
> where there is no reduce).

Yes, I mean equality.  I guess you could check equality by 
cross-multiplication, but it would seem nice to just be able to compare the 
numerator and denominator (which you can if both are reduced).


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