Uh-oh...time to shift to marketing speak...

On May 16, 2007, at 10:39 , William Stein wrote:

> My brother, who is businessman and is neither a mathematician nor a
> serious programmer, just
> sent me a draft of a "press release" for SAGE that he wrote.  I wonder
> what you think of it?  We could polish it up and send it to some media
> outlets at the appropriate moment (another question
> is when that moment be):

I'll mull this over later, but I have two comments up front:
  - I wonder if it's reasonable to take the stance implicit here,  
namely that of
    "us vs. them", "them" being underhanded, money-grubbing, facist  
swine.  At
    least, I think that is the stance :-}  I would tone it down a bit.
  - the sentence beginning with "Hidden code" doesn't scan.

Ignoring tone, I think it's worth polishing and sending out (when the  
time is right).

Is anyone actively using this, daily, as part of their course work,  
as would be done with Matlab, Mathematica, and the like?  Perhaps at  
Sage Days 4, there could be some discussion of how well it works in  
practice, both for full-time classroom use (i.e., not as an "off to  
the side" curiosity), and for math research.  One aspect to consider  
is how often, in these uses, do you run into dead-ends, parts of the  
package that aren't yet implemented.

If there is good feedback on these points, a press release is  
indicated :-}


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
Men are from Earth.
Women are from Earth.
    Deal with it.

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