On 3/23/07, Timothy Clemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any idea when the notebooks will be back up and when you will release 2.4?

The notebooks are now up.  Unfortunately, exactly the configuration
I used to make http://www.sagenb.org point to port 8100 does not
work with apache2 on Debian -- the Ubuntu and Debian versions
of Apache are somewhat different.  And, after trying for about 30
minutes, I just can't figure it out.  So until somebody figures this
out, http://www.sagenb.org will point to a page that redirects
to http://sage.math.washington.edu:8100.

Regarding sage-2.4, it will be either tomorrow or next Sunday, depending
on how difficult the problems are that come up.  I'll be teaching
a lot starting Monday, so won't have as much time for SAGE for the
next three months.

 -- William

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