Dear Thierry and Alan,

@Thierry: Thank you very much! This is a great solution.

@Alan: I agree that we should strive to use as few and as meaningful refinable 
parameters as reasonably possible, not just in Rietveld refinements but in all 
kinds of modelling. The task I’m engaged in now is to estimate crystallite 
sizes in Si particles that are produced along with a lot of non-crystalline 
stuff in a semi-industrial process.  Taking more time to produce “clean 
samples” is therefore not an option (although it would surely be the best 
advice for a pure structure determination/refinement study). Since there are a 
lot of sample and time is an issue, I don’t have the luxury to spend a lot of 
efforts on the other features in each dataset; at least not for the moment. I’m 
therefore more than happy to take some shortcuts in the description of the 
non-Bragg parts of the data.

Best regards,

From: <> On Behalf Of Alan W 
Sent: 25 April 2022 15:50
Subject: Re: Introduction of non-structural peaks in Fullprof

Dear Thierry and Magnus.

Introducing an extra pseudo-phase, and then editing out all the peaks you don't 
want, is ingenious, but is it really less work than creating a background file 
as Rietveld advocated?

The whole idea of Rietveld was to refine only physically meaningful parameters. 
The more parameters you introduce, the less confidence you can have in any of 
them being physically meaningful, especially if you then have to constrain some 
of them.

Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics
Grenoble, FRANCE (from phone)<>
+33.476984168 VAT:FR79499450856

On Mon, 25 Apr 2022, 14:53 Thierry Roisnel, 
<<>> wrote:

    Dear Magnus,

    Here is a way to fit independent peaks in FullProf :

1. edit .pcr file and add for every independent peak an artificial phase to 
treat in Profile Matching refinement mode (Jbt=2 and Irf=0). You can use P m m 
m space group for example and adjust the a parameter to fit with the 
diffraction peak 2theta position, b and c parameters can have arbitrary values, 
smaller than a. So, the special reflection will have 1 0 0 indices.

2. add refinement of one special reflection (Nsp_Ref = 1)

3. Run FullProf and update .pcr file, to provide  Irf = 2

4. edit the created xxn.hkl file ( n for phase #n) and remove all reflections 
excepted the first one (1 0 0)

5. edit .pcr file and refine peak position and profile parameters for the 
special reflection you want to fit.

    The .pcr file will look as follows :

Phase #2 : fit  a single peak
!Nat Dis Ang Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Jbt Irf Isy Str Furth       ATZ    Nvk Npr More
   0   0   0 0.0 0.0 1.0   2   2   0   0   0      32516.641   0   7   1
!Jvi Jdi Hel Sol Mom Ter  Brind   RMua    RMub    RMuc   Jtyp  Nsp_Ref Ph_Shift 
   0   0   0   0   0   0  1.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000    0      1      0     
P m m m                  <--Space group symbol
!-------> Profile Parameters for Pattern #   1  ----> Phase #   2
!  Scale          Shape1      Bov      Str1      Str2      Str3   Strain-Model
 0.1252800E-04   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000       0
       0.00000     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000
!       U         V          W           X          Y        GauSiz   LorSiz 
   0.005115  -0.007545   0.020850   0.012780   0.020016   0.000000   0.000000   
      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000
!     a          b         c        alpha      beta       gamma      #Cell Info
   3.400000   0.500000   0.500000  90.000000  90.000000  90.000000
    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
!  Pref1    Pref2      Asy1     Asy2     Asy3     Asy4      S_L      D_L
  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.01849  0.02007
     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00
! Special reflections:
!  h   k   l  nvk       D-HG^2  Cod_D-HG^2      D-HL      Cod_D-HL      Shift   
 Cod_Shift    Del_U/sig1      Code     Del_Y/gam2     Code
   1   0   0    0   0.0000           0.000     0.00000       0.000     0.00000  
     0.000     0.00000       0.000     0.00000       0.000

    I hope you will success in what you want to do.


    Thierry Roisnel

Le 25/04/2022 à 11:18, Magnus Sørby a écrit :

I’m playing with Fullprof again for the first time in many years since I’ve 
changed employer and lost my access to Topas.

Is it possible to introduce independent peaks (i.e. peaks whose positions are 
not determined by a unit cell) with refinable positions, intensities and shapes 
in Fullprof? I’ve found this possibility very useful in Topas for dealing with 
features in the datasets that are not of interest and not possible to possible 
to describe with a crystalline phase e.g. diffuse scattering from an amorphous 

I’m aware of the option to include a self-defined background (.bac file) with 
refinable scale, but this is time-consuming workaround.

Best regards,

Magnus H. Sørby, PhD
Senior Scientist  - Materials Science and Analytical Chemistry
Cenate AS


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 Thierry Roisnel
Centre de Diffractométrie X (CDIFX)
Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
UMR6226 CNRS - Université de Rennes 1
Bât. 10B, p. 153
Campus de Beaulieu
Avenue du Général Leclerc
35042 Rennes cedex, France

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