Scott. If you use the code distributed by Rietveld, you should certainly acknowledge it as "the Rietveld program/code" as I did in my Harwell report 1973_The_Rietveld_Program_for_the_Profile_Refinement_of_ Neutron_Diffraction_Powder_Patterns_AERE_R7350-von_Dreele_annotations.pdf <>
In that case you should also list the actual code you use, as I did. Alan. On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 20:36, Scott Speakman <> wrote: > It is interesting to read this conversation and to hear the various points > of view. > > > > I have one point for consideration to add, and would love to hear the > opinion of those who were more closely involved in those early days: I was > always under the impression that the nomenclature "Rietveld technique" > evolved mostly because Hugo Rietveld freely distributed the programming > code for others to use, and allowed the code to be used and incorporated > into other programs without ever requesting licensing fees or the like. In > that case, the name "Rietveld technique" isn't used to credit the > inventor(s) of the methodology, but rather to acknowledge the author of the > original programming code. > > > > > > > Kind Regards, > > > *Scott A Speakman, Ph.D. *Principal Scientist- XRD > ______________________________________________ * Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE * <> +33.476.98.41.68 ______________________________________________
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