Dear Alan,

There are plenty of people who call usage of so-called social networks (they are, in fact, very asocial) "a progress". I would suggest to consider De gustibus non est disputandum, but also Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem.

Although I am not member of any of those asocial nets and do not plan to be, I sometimes think of the end of such services like Gopher. Maybe we have around a generation, who prefers to share instead of to search, think & write. What a prefect opportunity for commercial companies :-)


On Mon, 8 Jun 2015, Alan Hewat wrote:

I can understand that people have different ideas about the ideal format for
discussion, and for some of us email may seem a little "old fashioned". I
suppose we could also use Twitter or any of the other social chattering
forums. But multiple groups on the same subject disperses the available
information, and it would be good to have some kind of consensus rather than
individual initiatives. 
The advantage of the Rietveld mailing list is that contributions aren't
anonymous, it is not commercial and no use is made of users' information,
publicity is limited, and there is a structured archive of discussion that
is open to all, even those who don't have an account. 

I myself simply inherited the list, but think it worth maintaining, and
would discourage members from posting to multiple groups on the same

Alan. (What, me worry ? :-)

On 8 June 2015 at 09:24, davide levy <> wrote:

      Good Morning
      I created the Powder Diffraction Discussion Group on Facebook,
      to speak about powder diffraction, Rietveld etc..  open for all
      use powder diffraction.

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   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE 
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