Dear Matteo,

Thank you so much for the answer. Following your suggestion, I found my
university has the carbon copy version of the first one. I'll try borrowing
it. Thanks and happy holiday!


On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Leoni, Matteo <>wrote:

> Enyuan
> There are two carbon copy versions of that 1915 paper, one appearing in
> Nachrichten von der Koeniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu
> Goettingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse Heft 1 (1915) 70-76
> And the other one in
> Annalen der Physik 351 [6] (1915) 809-823
> The paper is in German and I don't know of any translation in English,
> though. The first paper of Debye in English that I have in my listings (and
> that I still have to find) is:
> P. Debye Note on the scattering of x-rays. Journal of Mathematics and
> Physics MIT, 4 (1925) 133
> Matteo
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   Matteo Leoni, PhD
>   University of Trento
>   via Mesiano, 77
>   38123 Trento
>   Italy
>   Tel +39 0461 282416     Fax +39 0461 281977
>   e-mail:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Da: [] Per
> conto di Enyuan Hu
> Inviato: giovedì 26 dicembre 2013 23.30
> A: RIETVELD_L Distribution List
> Oggetto: Debye 1915 paper
> Dear all,
> I've been looking for English translated Debye's 1915 paper "Zerstreuung
> von Röntgenstrahlen" ("scattering of x-rays") but didn't succeed. Does
> anyone have this collection and would like to share? Thanks.
> Enyuan
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