Dear rietvelders

I would like to consult with you as for the possibility to determine small
shift in d-space in the order of 0.1pm in normal Bruker x-ray
diffractometer with Bragg Brentano



Our  diffractometer equipped with *multi-channel Laynex detector*. I used
solar slit and 0.6mm advancing slit.


Cu Kalpha1, Kalpha2.


Step size 0.02o

Time per each step 0.3sec

I used internal standard that has reflection peak at 2teta = 12.71o

I repeat the diffraction experiments 3 times.

Care has been taken not to move the sample between diffraction experiments.


All three diffraction experiments merged, baseline has been subtracted from
the merged data set. Position of the peak has been determined by fitting to
the best peak equation using Fityk. Shift in d-space has been determine
with respect to the internal standard peak reflection.

Parallel reflections gave similar shifts in the order of 0.1pm with
relative standard deviation of 8.65%.

Dose my result make sense?

Do I violate the limit of resolution?

Please comment.

Thank you from advance



Dr. Shay Tirosh
Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan, 52900
Phone: +972-(0)30-531-7320
Mobile: +972-(0)54-8834533
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