Dear all,

We bought a X'PERT PRO 14 years ago with all the optics possibilities at that time (Bartels, Hybrids, Texture, Solllers of all kinds, Rocking curve attachments, mirror ...). For few years, we got at random positionning errors. During scans, the motors never reach a software understandable value (or never even go to it). This started originally on the Z-micrometer control, and shifted to omega more recently. Rebooting the whole stuff is actually not everytime enough to reinitialise the instrument. After some maintainance days, the proposed solution from Panalytical is to replace the omega circle. I would like to get your feeback on this, whether you got similar problems and given solutions, if it helps or not afterwards. I did not look at the original contract to see if Panalytical is indeed informing that goniometer circles are running correctly for a restricted lifetime, or if circle replacements should be operated on a say 10-years base ...



Daniel Chateigner
Professeur, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
Co-editor "Journal of Applied Crystallography",
Editor-in-Chief "Texture, Stress and Microstructure",
address: CRISMAT-ENSICAEN and IUT-Caen, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, campus 2
6, Bd. M. Juin 14050 Caen, France
tel: 33 (0)2 31 45 26 11
fax: 33 (0)2 31 95 16 00
A Quantitative Texture Analysis Course:
An Open Source for Crystallographic Data: the COD

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