Dear all,


I will be for the first time teaching a graduate course on powder

this Spring, and would be very interested in hearing your expert

opinions on:


1:  Good course textbooks


2:  Good laboratory exercises (we have GSAS and Topas Academic)


3:  Links to course websites


4:  Essential links to other diffraction resources and tutorials



If I get a number of good responses, I will collate and repost them.



Best wishes,




Dr. Peter Khalifah

Assistant Professor            Assistant Chemist

Dept. of Chemistry             Dept. of Chemistry 

Stony Brook University         Brookhaven National Laboratory

Stony Brook, NY 11794-3400     Upton, NY 11973-5000


Office: 447 Grad. Chemistry    Office: Bldg 555, Rm 260

Phone: (631)632-7796           Phone: (631)344-7689

Fax: (631)632-7960             Fax: (631)344-5815



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