Morning/afternoon all
Apologies to anyone who gets this twice... The web address now redirects to the new CPD website located on the central IUCr servers. All the old content is there with some updates. The webpages for the Quantitative Phase Analysis round robin have been resurrected and linked back in, the CPD membership list updated, and the download for newsletter 34 (Microstructure Analysis on Nanomaterials) now works. Some new content is some information on easily accessible organic materials suitable for testing experimental and analytical methodology for structure solution from organics (bit of a mouthful). This is NOT a round robin as the structures are well known and would be susceptible to significant 'shortcuts'. They simply form a series of structures of increasing difficulty for anyone new to the field (or to simply try their hand) to satisfy themselves, and others, that they know what they're doing. I'm not a structure solution specialist so if I can solve them........ I already know the capillary datasets are good enough so the datasets are mainly there to compare with that from peoples' own lab instruments. I'm not sure there's a need to add more (I don't have the time anyway) but if someone wants to take it on they are most welcome. Best regards Pam PS I'm supposed to be on holiday (?!) so replies to emails may be a bit sluggish Dr Pamela Whitfield, Chair, IUCr Commission for Powder Diffraction Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology (ICPET) Building M12 National Research Council 1200 Montreal Road Ottawa ON K1A 0R6 Canada Tel: (613) 998 8462; Fax: (613) 990 2384 Email: