Dear Alex,

Quartz is not the best standard for the instrumental asymmetry determination 
since it does not have low-angle peaks. So, if you fixed the asymmetry 
parameter to that determined for quartz you may have problems in the low-angle 
It is always better to refine the asymmetry parameter as it is not only 
instrument-dependent but also sample-dependent. The asymmetry may depend on the 
absorption coefficient, the powder packing density, the capillary diameter and 
other parameters.

Best regards,

 Leonid A. Solovyov
 Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
 660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk , Russia

--- On Tue, 8/11/09, Alex Sinclair <> wrote:

> From: Alex Sinclair <>
> Subject: Asymmetry profile
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 12:09 PM
> #yiv1270810026 .hmmessage P
> {
> margin:0px;padding:0px;}
> #yiv1270810026 {
> font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana;}
> Dear mailing
> list,
> Would anyone
> be able to help me with a problem I am having refining some
> data using TOPAS on a lab X-ray pattern?
> The
> diffraction patterns collected show a large amount of
> asymmetry in the first couple of (low angle)
> peaks.
> The
> diffractometer contribution to the profile was determined
> from refinement of a quartz standard and the sample
> dependent broadening was then modelled using the PV-II
> function within TOPAS. Axial convergence parameters were
> used to model the angle-dependent asymmetry.
> Unfortunately the asymmetry of the first, lowest
> angle peak is still being fitted very poorly. Are there any
> other parameters or tricks that will help to model this
> asymmetry?
> Many thanks
> for any help you have,
> Alex
> P.S.
> Additionally, the data was collected using a Bruker D8
> Advantix diffractometer in capillary geometry, with a Cu
> source, a Ge(111) monochromator, secondary soller slits (2.5
> degrees) and an linear PSD. 
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