I used XFIT to find peak positions and export them. By this way, the peak
positions DO be in an ascending order of 2-theta. In Crysfire, just load
command, then the program pops up lines needing sorting. I do not think
there is any possibilty for mistakes here. Even I reload the data, the same
problem. Does anyone have idea what is wrong? Thanks.


2009/4/15 Leopoldo Suescun <leopo...@fq.edu.uy>

> Hi Rhine,
> Crysfire requires your peak positions to be ordered from lower to higher Q
> or 2theta (being Q=1/(d^2) in crysfire, instead of
> q=4*pi*sin(theta)/lambda) but they both grow in the same direction), which
> means higher to lower d-spacing. I don't think there is a command to order
> your peak positions after they are loaded, you'll need to load them again
> in the correct order.
> I hope this helps.
> Leo
> On Wed, April 15, 2009 6:15 am, Stone Rhine wrote:
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > I am using Crysfire for indexing my powder patttern. After loading my
> > data,
> > there was a line 'Observed pattern needed sorting into ascending order of
> > Q....' What is the exact meaning of that? I could not use command 'sa' as
> > usual. The only available options were only save or exit. Can anybody
> tell
> > me what is wrong and what I should do at this stage? OR How to sort my
> > data?
> > Thanks a lot.
> >
> > Rhine
> >

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