as William Bisson stated, the main purpose of automatic divergence slits is to enhance the intensities at higher angles. But, the changes in intensity and profile shape compared to fixed slit systems are no mysterium. They can calulated and introduced into the refinement. However, some (?) Rietveld programs can not deal with this problem, consequently artifacts like negative temperature factors can occur during refinement of data measured with automatic slits. If you are using such a program, recalculation of the intensities to fixed slit data is necessary, but this procedure may cause other problems. I disagree that TOPAS is the only program that is able to calculate peak profiles and intensities of variable slits, see:
BGMN simulates the instrumental profile shapes by a MonteCarlo technique, at certain steps over 2theta. So, the profile function can be very well modeled. In my personal experience, the automatic slit data can also be used for structure refinement, provided that they are programmed correctly. For phase analysis work, we always prefer ADS data.
Reinhard Kleeberg


Dear Silvina,

The purpose of divergence slits is to increase the intensities of reflections at high angle, the flip side is an increase in background and peak broadening (that
will extenuate peak overlap) at high angle.

For structural work it is best to stay with fixed slits, no modification needed
for the profile function  - though TOPAS (academic) is the only program
to date (I know of) that can model divergence slits.

Old school techniques of counting for longer at high angle is the best way to
improve stats and will not unduly effect your profile function.

Divergence slits are useful for phase identification especially if you are
processing a bulk number of samples. Stick with fixed slits for Rietveld


William Bisson
CCP14 administrator

Quoting Silvina Pagola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have a question regarding the use of fixed radiated length data in a laboratory powder diffractometer, with Bragg-Brentano geometry and programmable divergence and antiscatter/receiving slits, which can also be used in the "fixed slit" mode (in which the irradiated length on the sample varies with the theta angle). This is, for what cases the fixed radiated lenght is recommended instead of fixed slits data?. I have only these two choices for structure solution. For one compound I solved, it seems to work better the fixed radiated length data, although the background increases at high angles and I have to refine absorption (surface roughness), to get positive thermal factors. Could someone explain why to use one dataset or the other for structure solution and refinement?

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