Yes; Bruker has an interest in this matter.
At 09:37 AM 5/2/2005, you wrote:
Bruker's Vantex detector is rather similar to PanAnalytical's X'celerator detector from a fundamental parameters point of view, not? Maybe I should have formulated my question differently
Is there anybody who knows how to model peak shapes using the fundamental parameters approach for diffractometer setups with the newly developped PSD's such as the Vantex and X'celerator?
Nobody will be vexed in this way, I hope at least ....
Arie ps: and thanks, Laurel, for the suggestion, I'll try that.
> Indeed... > > A situation not without some complications. > > Jim > > At 08:00 AM 5/2/2005, you wrote: > > >>Alan??? Are you listening? > > > >Bruker providing help to analyze Panalytical data ?-). > > > >Armel > > > > >
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