
I feel compelled to make several points in connection with the thread
concerning database/software costs.  As you suggested, it is important to
place costs in an accurate context.

A new customer license for the PDF-2 is $6,100.  But this is only for the
first year.  ICDD produces updates each year.  If updates are licensed each
year, the cost for each update is $1,150.  This pricing structure has been
constant for the past three years or more.
To emphasize this point, the Sets 1-47 PDF-2, available last year contained
approximately 75,000 entries; our current PDF product, Release 1998,
contains approximately 117,000 entries.  This was done with no increase in
cost to the customer.

In addition, the ICDD offers a 30 % discount to customers at educational
institutions.  In this case, the update licensing cost is $805 per year.
The ICDD also has a pricing structure for multiple users within a
department or business unit that involve additional discounts.


At 06:04 PM 3/11/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I suspect you are criticising the wrong people when you complain about
>the high cost of Oxford Cryosystems Search-Match CSM software.  
>CSM apparently uses the ICDD powder diffraction file PDF, the product 
>of another (American) organisation, which is indeed  quite expensive.  
>(~$6000 I believe, which would explain the cost of 4500 pounds if CSM
>includes it).  ICDD has nothing to do with ICSD, & neither FIZ Karlsruhe 
>nor Oxford Cryosystems fix the price of the PDF. (see:
>I agree that the  PDF is too expensive (even tho' ICDD point out that it
>is only 6 cents for each of the 115,000 patterns :-) and for that reason 
>our lab. can't afford it either - but that's our choice too.
>Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 11 March 1999:
>>Below is the exchange I had with Oxford over the price of
>>a new search match system (as well as lots of other functions) The price is
>>4500 pounds with no academic( or non-commercial) price.
>>>*    January 1999 sees the launch of Crystallographica Search Match
>>>(CSM), a new search-match program used in conjunction with the Powder
>>>Diffraction File...
>Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33) 
>  fax (33)

Dr. John Faber
Principal Scientist
12 Campus Boulevard
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ph : (610)325-9814
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