Hello everybody,
In view of the recent discussion of software price I would like to add
another example. Below is the exchange I had with Oxford over the price of
a new search match system (as well as lots of other functions) The price is
4500 pounds with no academic( or non-commercial) price.
I believe it is very short-sighted of companies to adopt such a policy. In
my limited view of the market place i would think that exposure of the
system (by pricing the software at ~500 USD)to a thousand graduate students
around the world would be best for the company and the community in the
long run

My apologies for the length of the following  material.
Hit delete now if money is no object and you are not interested in sotware 
development and exposure


Dear Ron
Thank you for your recent request for a free demonstration CD of
Crystallographica Search Match (CSM). The introductory price of CSM is
4500 pounds sterling and in addition to this, purchases made prior to
April 1999 will receive a free copy of Crystallographica. As explained
previously details of all our soft ware can be found at our web site.

The CD will also be posted to you in the near future. 

However in the mean time should you have any queries, please do not
hesitate to contact me

Best wishes


> To:   Helen Pears
> Subject:      Re: Crystallographica Search Match
> Dear Helen,
> Thanks for your message.
> Unfortunately the 4500 pounds cost for CSM is way out of our budget.
> Is this the academic price, for institutions which already have the
> icdd
> database?
> Thanks again
> Ron
Dear Ron
In answer to your query this is indeed the academic price of CSM. Again
should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me

Best wishes


Dear Ron

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate that the price of
Crystallographica Search-Match is beyond your available budget. There is
no need to return the demo CD as you are welcome to keep it. There is an
alternative teaching aid to Crystallographica Search-Match called
Crystallographica. This is considerably cheaper but is also an extremely
useful teaching aid for powder diffraction. Further information on
Crystallographica can be found on our web site
www.OxfordCryosystems.co.uk. There is also a demonstration version of
Crystallographica on the CSM CD to enable you to have a look at its
capabilities. If you feel this may be of interest to you please do not
hesitate to ask for additional information. 

Best wishes


Oxford Cryosystems would like to take the opportunity to inform you of
an exciting development within the Crystallographica family.

*    January 1999 sees the launch of Crystallographica Search Match
(CSM), a new search-match program used in conjunction with the Powder
Diffraction File. CSM is a valuable tool in the quick identification of
multi-phase powder samples.  Features include:

- powerful search algorithm for multi-phase identification
- lightning-fast search using raw data, peak data or a combination of
the two
- fully integrated Boolean PDF card retrieval and display
- user database, with interface to Crystallographica
- fully integrated peak search and background subtraction tools
- powder pattern simulation, including multi-phase mixtures
- reads most common file formats
- writes reports directly to Microsoft Word

*  To mark this launch all purchases made before April 1999 will receive
a free copy of Crystallographica.

*    To give you an opportunity to sample CSM, free demonstration CD's
are available on request. Simply enter your details at our web site
www.OxfordCryosystems.co.uk or contact me directly at

All product developments and further information can be found on our web
site at www.OxfordCryosystems.co.uk

Best regards
Helen Pears

*  Ron Peterson                                         
*  Department of Geological Sciences                                          
*  Queen's University                                   
*  Kingston, ON  K7L 3N6                     
*  Canada                               
*  Fax: 613-533-6592     note the new exchange on the phone numbers
*  Tele: 613-533-6180                

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