On 10 July 2013 10:49, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com
<mailto:edgarmve...@gmail.com>> wrote:

     Hello all!

     I have a couple of questions that I would like to address all of
     you guys, in order to start this migration the best as possible.

     - I'm responsible for the migration of a pure key/value store that
     for now is being stored on memcacheDB.
     - We're serializing php objects and storing them.
     - The total size occupied it's ~2TB.

     - The idea it's to migrate this data to a riak cluster with
     elevelDB backend (starting with 6 nodes, 256 partitions. This
     thing is scaling very fast).
     - We only need to access the information by key. *We won't need
     neither map/reduces, searches or secondary indexes*. It's a pure
     key/value store!

     My questions are:
     - Do you have any riak fine tunning tip regarding this use case
     (due to the fact that we will only use the key/value capabilities
     of riak)?

If you only need a pure key/value store, you should consider memcacheDB using LMDB as its backing store. It's far faster than memcacheDB using BerkeleyDB.

I doubt LevelDB accessed through any interpreted language will be anywhere near its performance either, though I haven't tested. (Is there a LevelDB backend for modular memcache yet?)

Also if you're serializing language objects, you should consider using LMDB as an embedded data store. With the FIXEDMAP option you can copy objects to the store and then execute the objects directly from the store on future retrievals, no deserialization required.

     - It's expected that those 2TB would be reduced due to the levelDB
     compression. Do you think we should compress our objects to on the

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/

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