
Indeed you're using very big keys. If you can't change the keys, then yes
you'll have to use leveldb. However I wonder why you need keys that long :)

On 10 July 2013 13:04, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Damien,
> Well let's dive into this a little bit.
> I told you guys that bitcask was not an option due to a bad past
> experiencie with couchbase (sorry, in the previous post I wrote couchdb),
> that uses the same architecture as bitcask, keys in memory and values in
> disk.
> We started the migration to couchbase, and were already using 3 physical
> nodes and only had imported 5% of the real data! That was one of the main
> reasons for choosing a solution like riak + leveldb, to delete the keys fit
> in memory bottleneck..
> Now, here's a tipical key (It's large :D, x=letter and 0=numbers ):
> xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx_00000xxxxx_0000000000_00000000000_0000000xxxxxx
> We are using the php serialize native function!
> Best regards
> On 10 July 2013 11:43, damien krotkine <dkrotk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10 July 2013 11:03, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Guido.
>>> Thanks for your answer!
>>> Bitcask it's not an option due to the amount of ram needed.. We would
>>> need a lot more of physical nodes so more money spent...
>> Why is it not an option?
>> If you use Bitcask, then each node needs to store its keys in memory.
>> It's usually not a lot. In a precedent email I asked you the average lenght
>> of *keys*, but you gave us the average length of *values* :)
>> We have 1 billion keys and fits on a 5 nodes Ring. ( check out
>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/references/appendices/Bitcask-Capacity-Planning/).
>>  Our bucket names are 1 letter, our keys are 10 chars long.
>> What does a typical key look like ? Also, what are you using to serialize
>> your php objects? Maybe you could paste a typical value somewhere as well
>> Damien
>>> Instead we're using less machines with SSD disks to improve elevelDB
>>> performance.
>>> Best regards
>>> On 10 July 2013 09:58, Guido Medina <guido.med...@temetra.com> wrote:
>>>>  Well, I rushed my answer before, if you want performance, you probably
>>>> want Bitcask, if you want compression then LevelDB, the following links
>>>> should help you decide better:
>>>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/tutorials/choosing-a-backend/Bitcask/
>>>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/tutorials/choosing-a-backend/LevelDB/
>>>> Or multi, use one as default and then the other for specific buckets:
>>>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/tutorials/choosing-a-backend/Multi/
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Guido.
>>>> On 10/07/13 09:53, Guido Medina wrote:
>>>> Then you are better off with Bitcask, that will be the fastest in your
>>>> case (no 2i, no searches, no M/R)
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Guido.
>>>> On 10/07/13 09:49, Edgar Veiga wrote:
>>>> Hello all!
>>>>  I have a couple of questions that I would like to address all of you
>>>> guys, in order to start this migration the best as possible.
>>>>  Context:
>>>> - I'm responsible for the migration of a pure key/value store that for
>>>> now is being stored on memcacheDB.
>>>> - We're serializing php objects and storing them.
>>>> - The total size occupied it's ~2TB.
>>>>  - The idea it's to migrate this data to a riak cluster with elevelDB
>>>> backend (starting with 6 nodes, 256 partitions. This thing is scaling very
>>>> fast).
>>>> - We only need to access the information by key. *We won't need
>>>> neither map/reduces, searches or secondary indexes*. It's a pure
>>>> key/value store!
>>>>  My questions are:
>>>> - Do you have any riak fine tunning tip regarding this use case (due to
>>>> the fact that we will only use the key/value capabilities of riak)?
>>>>  - It's expected that those 2TB would be reduced due to the levelDB
>>>> compression. Do you think we should compress our objects to on the client?
>>>>  Best regards,
>>>> Edgar Veiga
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