On 10 July 2013 11:03, Edgar Veiga <edgarmve...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guido.
> Thanks for your answer!
> Bitcask it's not an option due to the amount of ram needed.. We would need
> a lot more of physical nodes so more money spent...

Why is it not an option?

If you use Bitcask, then each node needs to store its keys in memory. It's
usually not a lot. In a precedent email I asked you the average lenght of
*keys*, but you gave us the average length of *values* :)

We have 1 billion keys and fits on a 5 nodes Ring. ( check out
Our bucket names are 1 letter, our keys are 10 chars long.

What does a typical key look like ? Also, what are you using to serialize
your php objects? Maybe you could paste a typical value somewhere as well


> Instead we're using less machines with SSD disks to improve elevelDB
> performance.
> Best regards
> On 10 July 2013 09:58, Guido Medina <guido.med...@temetra.com> wrote:
>>  Well, I rushed my answer before, if you want performance, you probably
>> want Bitcask, if you want compression then LevelDB, the following links
>> should help you decide better:
>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/tutorials/choosing-a-backend/Bitcask/
>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/tutorials/choosing-a-backend/LevelDB/
>> Or multi, use one as default and then the other for specific buckets:
>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/tutorials/choosing-a-backend/Multi/
>> HTH,
>> Guido.
>> On 10/07/13 09:53, Guido Medina wrote:
>> Then you are better off with Bitcask, that will be the fastest in your
>> case (no 2i, no searches, no M/R)
>> HTH,
>> Guido.
>> On 10/07/13 09:49, Edgar Veiga wrote:
>> Hello all!
>>  I have a couple of questions that I would like to address all of you
>> guys, in order to start this migration the best as possible.
>>  Context:
>> - I'm responsible for the migration of a pure key/value store that for
>> now is being stored on memcacheDB.
>> - We're serializing php objects and storing them.
>> - The total size occupied it's ~2TB.
>>  - The idea it's to migrate this data to a riak cluster with elevelDB
>> backend (starting with 6 nodes, 256 partitions. This thing is scaling very
>> fast).
>> - We only need to access the information by key. *We won't need neither
>> map/reduces, searches or secondary indexes*. It's a pure key/value store!
>>  My questions are:
>> - Do you have any riak fine tunning tip regarding this use case (due to
>> the fact that we will only use the key/value capabilities of riak)?
>>  - It's expected that those 2TB would be reduced due to the levelDB
>> compression. Do you think we should compress our objects to on the client?
>>  Best regards,
>> Edgar Veiga
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