Some of my favorite features of Futon were the ability to edit the 
configuration of the server from the web interface, check job status 
(compaction, view indexing, etc), and used almost all the time was the overview 
to see data size and number of documents:




This little table was the best because I could immediately see who is using 
what, how many documents are there (many times to make sure the count is going 
up at a rate that it should be); and of course I could run map-reduces in there 
as well, but I understand that works a bit differently in Riak.


Some other nice-to-haves would be:


·         Paged-Object browser

o    You can jump to a single value if you know the key

o    Links can be clicked through to view the different linked values

·         Create/Delete/Modify buckets and bucket attributes

·         Graphs for stats

o    I'm not sure if history for the /stats call is saved somewhere so I'm not 
sure if this is possible without a little overhead

o    Right now I use the munin plugins, but I'm not sure if I get the full 
benefit of all the stats in there 

·         More intelligent log viewer

o    Erlang logs are pretty nasty if you aren't into the language, it would be 
nice to have a more "parsed" view into what an error actually *means*

·         Love the memory usage, and ring partition usage but some disk stats 
would be nice

o    On the node list it would be nice to see disk space usage and/or iops as 


I wouldn't mind contributing to the project, I just don't see a file on 
"contributing", or the roadmap for Riak Control, or a backlog, or anything like 
that so if I wasn't sure where to spend time if I was to.





-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Meiklejohn [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:07 PM
To: Chad Engler
Subject: Re: Riak Data-UI


Hi Chad, 


We decided to focus our development on Riak Control moving forward on 
administration features, specifically understanding how your cluster is 
performing, managing node addition and removal and visualizing distribution of 
data throughout the ring.


However, I'd be very interested in hearing which features of Futon you find 
most useful and what you're looking for in a UI for Riak.




- Chris 



Christopher Meiklejohn

Software Engineer

Basho Technologies, Inc.




On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Chad Engler wrote:


> Hey guys,


> I've found that with CouchDB an interface like Futon is extremely helpful. I 
> understand that Riak Control was going to have object-browsing features, but 
> they have been pushed-back and/or abandoned. Is there a data browser out 
> there that is easy to use and provides features similar to Futon? I've looked 
> at Rekon, and it just isn't very useful IMO.


> Any pointers would be appreciated.


> Thanks,


> Chad Engler

> Telephony Programmer

> PATLive

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