
Developing a comprehensive admin console would be great.

I would add merge statistics to Chad's feature requests. Would be nice to
see who how much disk space is saved during merges, which merge/threshold
triggers were hit, and possible disk usage at that time.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Chad Engler <chad.eng...@patlive.com> wrote:

> Some of my favorite features of Futon were the ability to edit the
> configuration of the server from the web interface, check job status
> (compaction, view indexing, etc), and used almost all the time was the
> overview to see data size and number of documents:****
> ** **
> ****
> ** **
> This little table was the best because I could immediately see who is
> using what, how many documents are there (many times to make sure the count
> is going up at a rate that it should be); and of course I could run
> map-reduces in there as well, but I understand that works a bit differently
> in Riak.****
> ** **
> Some other nice-to-haves would be:****
> ** **
> **·         **Paged-Object browser****
> **o    **You can jump to a single value if you know the key****
> **o    **Links can be clicked through to view the different linked values*
> ***
> **·         **Create/Delete/Modify buckets and bucket attributes****
> **·         **Graphs for stats****
> **o    **I'm not sure if history for the /stats call is saved somewhere
> so I'm not sure if this is possible without a little overhead****
> **o    **Right now I use the munin plugins, but I'm not sure if I get the
> full benefit of all the stats in there ****
> **·         **More intelligent log viewer****
> **o    **Erlang logs are pretty nasty if you aren't into the language, it
> would be nice to have a more "parsed" view into what an error actually **
> means******
> **·         **Love the memory usage, and ring partition usage but some
> disk stats would be nice****
> **o    **On the node list it would be nice to see disk space usage and/or
> iops as well****
> ** **
> I wouldn't mind contributing to the project, I just don't see a file on
> "contributing", or the roadmap for Riak Control, or a backlog, or anything
> like that so if I wasn't sure where to spend time if I was to.****
> ** **
> -Chad****
> ** **
> ** **
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Meiklejohn [mailto:cmeiklej...@basho.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:07 PM
> To: Chad Engler
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Riak Data-UI****
> ** **
> Hi Chad, ****
> ** **
> We decided to focus our development on Riak Control moving forward on
> administration features, specifically understanding how your cluster is
> performing, managing node addition and removal and visualizing distribution
> of data throughout the ring.****
> ** **
> However, I'd be very interested in hearing which features of Futon you
> find most useful and what you're looking for in a UI for Riak.****
> ** **
> Thanks!****
> ** **
> - Chris ****
> ** **
> -- ****
> Christopher Meiklejohn****
> Software Engineer****
> Basho Technologies, Inc.****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Chad Engler wrote:****
> ** **
> > Hey guys,****
> > ****
> > I've found that with CouchDB an interface like Futon is extremely
> helpful. I understand that Riak Control was going to have object-browsing
> features, but they have been pushed-back and/or abandoned. Is there a data
> browser out there that is easy to use and provides features similar to
> Futon? I've looked at Rekon, and it just isn't very useful IMO.****
> > ****
> > Any pointers would be appreciated.****
> > ****
> > Thanks,****
> > ****
> > Chad Engler****
> > Telephony Programmer****
> > PATLive****
> > 1.800.775.7790 x746****
> > chad.eng...@patlive.com 
> > (mailto:chad.eng...@patlive.com<chad.eng...@patlive.com>
> )****
> > ****
> > Hosted Communications | Friendly Service www.patlive.com (
> http://www.patlive.com/)****
> > ****
> > ****
> > ****
> > _______________________________________________****
> > riak-users mailing list****
> > riak-users@lists.basho.com 
> > (mailto:riak-users@lists.basho.com<riak-users@lists.basho.com>
> )****
> > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com****
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
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> riak-users mailing list
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