We've recently moved to Riak on Joyent's cloud.  They are offering a 
pre-configured Riak appliance, which let us start out with 3 small nodes.  
Performance has not been an issue here.


On Jan 17, 2012, at 4:19 PM, Wilson MacGyver wrote:

> We are using it on amazon with no issues. we are using 7.5gb instances. You 
> can reduce the cost by doing reserve instances.
> We are still using bitcask, which makes amount of ram per instance very 
> important due to each node need to keep all keys it's responsible for in the 
> ram.
> It's a trade off, is raw metal nice? Sure. However, ec2 gives you advantage 
> compare to your own co-lo datacenter. 
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 3:35 PM, Tom Davies <atomgi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey there,
>> I am considering Riak for a new project.  One possible show stopper
>> for me is I believe Riak is not recommended for use on a VM which
>> would make cloud deployments (e.g. rackspace, ec2, etc) a no go. Also,
>> I read somewhere else the minimum EC2 deployment recommendation was 3
>> large instances which would run over $700 / month. Is it possible to
>> run Riak in the cloud and if so what is the minimum recommended
>> configuration?  Also, I'd be interested in hearing any recommendations
>> for initial configuration in a cloud environment.
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> Tom Davies
>> http://teenormous.com
>> The Ultimate T-shirt Search Engine
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