We are using it on amazon with no issues. we are using 7.5gb instances. You can 
reduce the cost by doing reserve instances.

We are still using bitcask, which makes amount of ram per instance very 
important due to each node need to keep all keys it's responsible for in the 

It's a trade off, is raw metal nice? Sure. However, ec2 gives you advantage 
compare to your own co-lo datacenter. 

On Jan 17, 2012, at 3:35 PM, Tom Davies <atomgi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey there,
> I am considering Riak for a new project.  One possible show stopper
> for me is I believe Riak is not recommended for use on a VM which
> would make cloud deployments (e.g. rackspace, ec2, etc) a no go. Also,
> I read somewhere else the minimum EC2 deployment recommendation was 3
> large instances which would run over $700 / month. Is it possible to
> run Riak in the cloud and if so what is the minimum recommended
> configuration?  Also, I'd be interested in hearing any recommendations
> for initial configuration in a cloud environment.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Tom Davies
> http://teenormous.com
> The Ultimate T-shirt Search Engine
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