Hi Tom,

You can certainly run Riak in the cloud -- you simply need to be aware
that there is likely to be a latency tradeoff, since you do not have
direct control over the hardware and it's difficult to tune for
available resources. In addition, there is no guarantee that multiple
instances of the virtual host are on independent hardware hosts, so
you may also be (unknowingly) trading off availability.

Depending on the situation, these may not be deal-breakers -- simply
something to be aware of. :)


On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Tom Davies <atomgi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there,
> I am considering Riak for a new project.  One possible show stopper
> for me is I believe Riak is not recommended for use on a VM which
> would make cloud deployments (e.g. rackspace, ec2, etc) a no go. Also,
> I read somewhere else the minimum EC2 deployment recommendation was 3
> large instances which would run over $700 / month. Is it possible to
> run Riak in the cloud and if so what is the minimum recommended
> configuration?  Also, I'd be interested in hearing any recommendations
> for initial configuration in a cloud environment.
> Thanks!
> --
> Tom Davies
> http://teenormous.com
> The Ultimate T-shirt Search Engine
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Dave Smith
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Basho Technologies, Inc.

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