Perfect explanation. Thanks Andrew!
I'll stick to Lager from now and so on.


On Jan 3, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 03, 2012 at 05:37:40PM +0100, Zabrane Mickael wrote:
>> . riak_err prevents/minimizes SASL error dumps on the VM.
>> . lager is a logger.
> Lager actually borrows a bunch of code from riak_err to provide
> riak_err's functionality (and actually fixes at least one issue that
> riak_err had). They're not 100% compatible, it's true (you can't truncate
> SASL logs AND have them printed to the console with lager), but you
> don't need riak_err to simply guard against large SASL log messages.
> Lager and riak_err both install error_logger handlers, and are probably
> stepping on each other's toes when they do it, triggering that error.
> Andrew
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