On 30 dec 2011, at 20:31, Andrew Berman wrote:

> Also, shameless plug, I have a pooler as well which has a few more options 
> than pooler.  You can check it out here: https://github.com/aberman/pooly

Nice, I'll look in to that.

> --Andrew
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Marc Campbell <m...@look.io> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I'm looking for some best practices in handling connections when using the 
> protocol buffer client.  Specifically, I have 3 nodes in my cluster, and need 
> to figure out how to handle the situation when one of the nodes is down.
> I'm currently using a pooler app (https://github.com/seth/pooler) and this 
> helps me distribute the load to all of the nodes, but when one goes down, the 
> app doesn't recover nicely.

Hi, I ran in to that exakt problem so I've forked and patched that pooler here: 
https://github.com/bipthelin/pooler I also added OJ's patch which let's you do 
oneliners like: pooler:use_member(fun(RiakPid) -> riakc_pb_socket:get(RiakPid, 
Bucket, Key) end).

Also, there's this pooler: https://github.com/devinus/poolboy

Bip Thelin
Evolope AB | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm
Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90

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