Hi guys,

I'm using lager and riak_err on one of my projects.
Some errors appears during the startup as reported by lager (see below):

<0.48.0>: riak_err_monitor: handler riak_err_handler exited for reason normal
21:59:24.077 [error] gen_server riak_err_monitor terminated with reason: 
21:59:24.081 [error] CRASH REPORT Process riak_err_monitor with 0 neighbours 
crashed with reason: 
21:59:24.142 [error] Supervisor riak_err_sup had child riak_err_monitor started 
with riak_err_monitor:start_link() at <0.48.0> exit with reason gen_event_EXIT 
in context child_terminated

Of course, the supervisor restart the crashed process and everything is fine 
after that.
But i would like to understand why?

My box: Erlang R14B04, OSX 10.6.8

Happy New Year !!


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