
Thanks for the test case. I've queued it up for review by a dev, as
time permits.


On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Gordon Tillman <gtill...@mezeo.com> wrote:
> Guys I have put together a simple test to reproduce the error that we are
> seeing.
> It is on github here:
> https://github.com/gordyt/riaksearch-test
> This is a multi-threaded test that connects to Riak using the protocol
> buffers interface.  Each iteration of the run loop issues one simple search
> and uploads one small json object.
> Thanks very much for any input you might have.
> Regards,
> --gordon
> On Jun 6, 2011, at 10:01 , Gordon Tillman wrote:
> Good Morning Gilbert,
> I have posted this gist:
> https://gist.github.com/1010384
> It is a minor update we made to it_op_collector_loop/3 in
> riak_search_op_utils.  This update was done to alleviate the situation that
> we observe here:
> https://gist.github.com/1000735
> But it was made with the understanding that this is treating a symptom and
> not fixing the cause of the problem.
> A little bit of followup information: The problem seems to be exacerbated
> when Riak is hit with a series of operations that are all generating the
> same search/map/reduce operation (albeit with differing search input
> parameters).
> We installed 0.14.2 and tested this weekend (without our update applied) and
> observed the same issues.
> If I found out anything else I will let you know.
> --gordon
> On May 31, 2011, at 18:09 , Gilbert Glåns wrote:
> Gordon,
> Great news!  Much appreciated.
> Gilbert
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Gordon Tillman <gtill...@mezeo.com> wrote:
> Howdy Gilbert,
> Hey we are testing a fix now.  If this works I will send you a copy of the
> update file.
> --gordon
> On May 31, 2011, at 12:55 , Gilbert Glåns wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> Thank you for sharing the information.  We are seeing the same exact
> type of behavior from our search cluster.  I have tracked the
> problem(s) though the query system.  It looks like the mailboxes we
> are both seeing are "abandoned" and / or the messages are never
> matched within the Erlang code (it_op_collector_loop,
> riak_search_op_utils.erl); the messages are then never processed,
> therefore the resources they utilize never released.  This is a major
> problem.
> I have been debugging this for some time and I wish I could say it was
> going well.  The implementation is convoluted -- have you gotten
> through it?  Can you verify the same cause?
> We have been internally discussing the possibility of removing this
> query processing implementation completely and replacing it with
> something built in-house because the problems we have uncovered trying
> to debug the "abandoned mailbox" problem are related and systemic:  1)
> indeterminate and possibly very large data structures created and
> manipulated for intermediate and final sets of results, 2) very poor
> or non-existent ability to gain any insight into what is executing
> within the "plumbing" of the current query execution system without
> "herculean" effort (in my opinion), and 3) unacceptable performance
> (predictably or subjectively) from the merge_index riak_search
> backend.
> Are there any other backends available for riak_search with the
> Enterprise Riak offering?  I really like the design of riak_search but
> the performance seems to be only a very small fraction of our
> equivalent SOLR installation, even with several times the amount of
> resources "thrown at it" -- it does not seem to use resources we
> "throw at it" well, either, or in the mailboxes case, responsibly.
> I will quickly admit I may be doing something wrong.  Is there a
> user-error situation in which mailboxes should be abandoned taking up
> memory?
> Does anyone else have experiences with equivalent riak_search vs. SOLR
> installations?
> Thanks again for sharing Gordon.  Your results make me feel like this
> may not be entirely stupidity on my part.
> Gilbert
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Gordon Tillman <gtill...@mezeo.com> wrote:
> Howdy Gilbert,
> I reproduced the issue this morning and then ran the command that you
> specified on two of the non-empty mailboxes.
> The output from that is posted here:
> https://gist.github.com/1000735
> Please let me know if this corresponds to the issue that you are seeing.
> Thank you,
> --gordon
> On May 27, 2011, at 20:10 , Gilbert Glåns wrote:
> Gordon,
> Could you try:
> erlang:process_info(list_to_pid("<0.16614.32>"), [messages,
> current_function, initial_call, links, memory, status]).
> in a riak search console for one/some of those mailboxes and share the
> results? I am curious to see if you are having the same systemic
> memory consumption I am experiencing.
> Gilbert
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Gordon Tillman <gtill...@mezeo.com> wrote:
> Howdy Gang,
> We are having a bit of an issue with our 3-node riaksearch cluster.  What is
> happing is this:
> Cluster is up and running.  We start testing our application against it.  As
> the application runs the erlang process consumes more and more memory
> without ever releasing it.
> In trying to investigate the issue we ran the riaksearch-admin cluster_info
> command.  It appears that the bulk of this memory is being consumed by a
> bunch of mailboxes.
> I have posted both the output of the cluster_info command and the app.config
> from one of the nodes here:
> https://gist.github.com/996419
> I would be very grateful if someone from Basho would take a look at the
> cluster_info and see if they can spot anything obvious.
> Each machine in the cluster has an 8-core Xeon and 16GB RAM.  I believe all
> of the platform details, etc., are in the cluster_info dump.
> Many thanks,
> --gordon
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