Howdy Gilbert, I reproduced the issue this morning and then ran the command that you specified on two of the non-empty mailboxes.
The output from that is posted here: Please let me know if this corresponds to the issue that you are seeing. Thank you, --gordon On May 27, 2011, at 20:10 , Gilbert Glåns wrote: Gordon, Could you try: erlang:process_info(list_to_pid("<0.16614.32>"), [messages, current_function, initial_call, links, memory, status]). in a riak search console for one/some of those mailboxes and share the results? I am curious to see if you are having the same systemic memory consumption I am experiencing. Gilbert On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Gordon Tillman <<>> wrote: Howdy Gang, We are having a bit of an issue with our 3-node riaksearch cluster. What is happing is this: Cluster is up and running. We start testing our application against it. As the application runs the erlang process consumes more and more memory without ever releasing it. In trying to investigate the issue we ran the riaksearch-admin cluster_info command. It appears that the bulk of this memory is being consumed by a bunch of mailboxes. I have posted both the output of the cluster_info command and the app.config from one of the nodes here: I would be very grateful if someone from Basho would take a look at the cluster_info and see if they can spot anything obvious. Each machine in the cluster has an 8-core Xeon and 16GB RAM. I believe all of the platform details, etc., are in the cluster_info dump. Many thanks, --gordon _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list<>
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