Gilbert I will do that and post the results.  Have restarted the cluster but it 
is really easy to reproduce the issue.  



On May 27, 2011, at 20:10 , Gilbert Glåns wrote:

> Gordon,
> Could you try:
> erlang:process_info(list_to_pid("<0.16614.32>"), [messages,
> current_function, initial_call, links, memory, status]).
> in a riak search console for one/some of those mailboxes and share the
> results? I am curious to see if you are having the same systemic
> memory consumption I am experiencing.
> Gilbert
> On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 5:15 PM, Gordon Tillman <> wrote:
>> Howdy Gang,
>> We are having a bit of an issue with our 3-node riaksearch cluster.  What is 
>> happing is this:
>> Cluster is up and running.  We start testing our application against it.  As 
>> the application runs the erlang process consumes more and more memory 
>> without ever releasing it.
>> In trying to investigate the issue we ran the riaksearch-admin cluster_info 
>> command.  It appears that the bulk of this memory is being consumed by a 
>> bunch of mailboxes.
>> I have posted both the output of the cluster_info command and the app.config 
>> from one of the nodes here:
>> I would be very grateful if someone from Basho would take a look at the 
>> cluster_info and see if they can spot anything obvious.
>> Each machine in the cluster has an 8-core Xeon and 16GB RAM.  I believe all 
>> of the platform details, etc., are in the cluster_info dump.
>> Many thanks,
>> --gordon
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