Jon, my apologies, didn't mean to put words in your mouth :-) I guess you could put a template abstraction in front of your client, but like I said, the typing is a little weird to accommodate Groovy. So, if someone needed to use the client directly, it might be a little difficult for them in pure Java.
Thanks for taking a look at the code! Andrew On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:02 AM, Jon Brisbin <> wrote: > > On Mar 29, 2011, at 12:28 AM, Rexxe wrote: > > I started to use Riak using the spring-data project but found that their > API was lacking and had serious issues with strict typing. It turns out > that the Java API they've built is pretty much being built just so it works > in Grails/Groovy. > > > Actually, what I said is that the spring-data support for Riak needed to > accommodate the Groovy use-case. It's not specifically for the Grails/Groovy > use case, but that it is being used heavily there so its a dependency. > > We've talked about having a separate Template abstraction that uses Strings > for keys, etc... It's an approach that Costin has pursued with the Redis > support and seems to work fairly well. It might be that we just need a > template that takes these things into account. I think with the addition of > a few helpers, we could make it look like whatever someone wanted. :) > > So, I started to look at the Riak Java API. I found it to be a bit > complicated and I didn't like how it still forced the user to know about a > lot of specifics of Riak, especially query params and other properties, and > didn't provide a layer of abstraction on top of the actual client (so I > could say go switch between the REST and PBC client). So, I decided to > write my own client and semi-ORM layer. I am still working on some of the > details, I need to write more tests, and I need to document it, but the bulk > of the code is done. I have only implemented the REST client so far, but I > plan on implementing PB in the future. > > You can check it out here: > > > I like what you've done here, having gone through the code. It's very > well-written and would make a good alternative to what's currently > available. It doesn't cover the full feature needs yet, but its certainly a > good start. > > Thanks! > > Jon Brisbin > > > Twitter: @j_brisbin > > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > > > >
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