On 29 Mar 2011, at 10:02, Kresten Krab Thorup wrote:

> One thing, which is often missed by newcomers to Riak [I'm not saying you 
> missed it], is the importance of managing client IDs, and passing the right 
> vector clocks back to the server. 
>  { Basho'ers ... please corret me if I'm wrong }

Not wrong, very right.

> The above two things (1.a and 1.b) are so difficult to understand for 
> newcomers, and a bit tricky to get right, so IMHO a new Java client should 
> provide some way to avoid doing these mistakes as the default behavior.
> - So, it should choose a good client ID fo you if you don't.
> - And it should make it so that you can't do UPDATE/PUT without having first 
> GOT'en the riak object.  
> I.e. NOT EXPOSE constructors for the implementors of RiakObject.  The only 
> way to get an UpdateableRiakObject is to call RiakClient.get, or as the 
> result of calling update/create; you can't just allocate one.  Also calling 
> update/create should "invalidate" the original object so that it cannot 
> accidentally be used again.  
> I really think we need to have a way to enforce the linear nature of these 
> things.  Otherwise people get fooled.

I'm working on this now, thanks to some ideas from Coda Hale at Yammer. The 
concept is that a store *requires* a ConflictResolver and a Mutation. Any PUT 
is in fact  

    [convert to domain representation]
    resolve conflicts
    [return new object]

Hence 2 APIs, a low level for the transport business of talking to riak 
(REST/protocol buffers/etc) and a high level one for dealing with riak's 
implications. I am getting there and hope to have an example to show very soon.

> Kresten
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