On 29 Mar 2011, at 06:28, Rexxe wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to Riak and the mailing list.  I started to use Riak using the 
> spring-data project but found that their API was lacking and had serious 
> issues with strict typing.  It turns out that the Java API they've built is 
> pretty much being built just so it works in Grails/Groovy.  So, I started to 
> look at the Riak Java API.  I found it to be a bit complicated and I didn't 
> like how it still forced the user to know about a lot of specifics of Riak, 
> especially query params and other properties, and didn't provide a layer of 
> abstraction on top of the actual client (so I could say go switch between the 
> REST and PBC client). 

Here here. I'm working on that, too. There is a draft of the API here 

> So, I decided to write my own client and semi-ORM layer.   I am still working 
> on some of the details, I need to write more tests, and I need to document 
> it, but the bulk of the code is done. I have only implemented the REST client 
> so far, but I plan on implementing PB in the future.
> You can check it out here: https://github.com/aberman/spring-riak
> It's pretty easy to use:
> If you want the client, you would do:  RiakManager mgr = new 
> RiakRestClient(...);
> The ORM layer (still working a bit on this): RiakTemplate template = new 
> RiakTemplate(new RiakRestClient(...));

What are you using to marshall to java objects? Jackson?

> The APIs to look at are RiakManager and RiakTemplate and you should see some 
> familiar methods with more typed signatures to help out the average user.
> Let me know your thoughts, if any, and if there is any interest in me 
> donating this to the Riak project.

I've only had a brief look but I like it very much, thanks for making it and 
sharing it.  We seem to have covered a lot of the same ground but it is great 
to have a diverse range of clients for different use cases. I'll pull the repo 
and have a more detailed look, I'm hoping you may have solved some of the 
problems I'm looking at already ;)

> Andrew
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