chris-twiner commented on code in PR #50023:

@@ -2841,6 +2860,265 @@ class DatasetSuite extends QueryTest
     checkDataset(Seq(seqMutableSet).toDS(), seqMutableSet)
     checkDataset(Seq(mapMutableSet).toDS(), mapMutableSet)
+  // below tests are related to SPARK-49960 and TransformingEncoder usage
+  test("Incorrect derived nullability with TransformingEncoder - non 
nullable") {
+    val sparkI = spark
+    type T = Tuple2[Seq[Seq[Int]], Seq[Int]]
+    val data: Seq[T] = Seq( ( Seq( Seq(1, 2, 3) ), Seq(1, 2, 3) ) )
+    // for reference only
+    val sparkDataTypeOG = {
+      import sparkI.implicits._
+      val ds = spark.createDataset[Tuple2[Seq[Seq[Int]], Seq[Int]]](data)
+      ds.schema
+    }
+    val provider = () =>
+      new Codec[Seq[Int], Seq[Int]]{
+        override def encode(in: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = in
+        override def decode(out: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = out
+      }
+    val transformingSeq =
+      TransformingEncoder[Seq[Int], Seq[Int]](
+        implicitly[ClassTag[Seq[Int]]],
+        IterableEncoder[Seq[Int], Int](implicitly[ClassTag[Seq[Int]]],
+          PrimitiveIntEncoder, false, false),
+        provider
+      )
+    val enc =
+      ProductEncoder(
+        implicitly[ClassTag[T]],
+        Seq(
+          EncoderField("_1",
+            IterableEncoder[Seq[Seq[Int]], 
+              transformingSeq, false, false), false, Metadata.empty),
+          EncoderField( "_2", transformingSeq, false, Metadata.empty)
+        ),
+        None
+      )
+    val sparkViaAgnostic = {
+      val ds = spark.createDataset(data)(enc)
+      ds.schema
+    }
+    // the nullability without TransformingEncoder nullability 
+    // is incorrect (_2 is inferred as nullable)
+    assert(enc.dataType === sparkViaAgnostic)
+  }
+  def provider[A]: () => Codec[V[A], A] = () =>
+    new Codec[V[A], A]{
+      override def encode(in: V[A]): A = in.v
+      override def decode(out: A): V[A] = V(out)
+    }
+  def transforming[A](underlying: AgnosticEncoder[A]): 
TransformingEncoder[V[A], A] =
+    TransformingEncoder[V[A], A](
+      implicitly[ClassTag[V[A]]],
+      underlying,
+      provider
+    )
+  val V_INT = StructType(Seq(StructField("v", IntegerType, nullable = false)))
+  // "value" usage for single field, a wrapping nullable type is required
+  val OPTION_OF_V_INT = StructType(Seq(StructField("value",
+    V_INT, nullable = true)))
+  // product encoder for a non-nullable V
+  val V_OF_INT =
+    ProductEncoder(
+      classTag[V[Int]],
+      Seq(EncoderField("v", PrimitiveIntEncoder, nullable = false, 
+      None
+    )
+  test("""Encoder derivation with nested TransformingEncoder of 
OptionEncoder""".stripMargin) {
+    val sparkI = spark
+    type T = V[V[Option[V[Int]]]]
+    val data: Seq[T] = Seq(V(V(None)), V(V(Some(V(1)))))
+    // for reference - datatype will introduce nested classes as expected
+    val sparkDataTypeOG = {
+      import sparkI.implicits._
+      val ds = spark.createDataset[V[V[Option[V[Int]]]]](data)
+      ds.schema
+    }
+    /* attempt to behave as if value class semantics except the last product,
+      using a final transforming instead of a product serializes */
+    val enc =
+      transforming(
+        transforming(
+          OptionEncoder(
+            // works
+            // transforming(PrimitiveIntEncoder)

Review Comment:
   no, I've removed that along with the other visual cruft

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