davidm-db commented on code in PR #49427:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/49427#discussion_r1916326005

@@ -159,15 +159,97 @@ class AstBuilder extends DataTypeAstBuilder
+  private def assertSqlState(sqlState: String): Unit = {
+    val sqlStateRegex = "^[A-Za-z0-9]{5}$".r
+    assert(sqlStateRegex.findFirstIn(sqlState).isDefined,
+      "SQLSTATE must be exactly 5 characters long and contain only A-Z and 
+    assert(!sqlState.startsWith("00") && !sqlState.startsWith("01") && 
+      "SQLSTATE must not start with '00', '01', or 'XX'.")
+  }
+  override def visitConditionValue(ctx: ConditionValueContext): String = {
+    Option(ctx.sqlStateValue())
+      .map { sqlStateValueContext =>
+        val sqlState = sqlStateValueContext.getText.replace("'", "")
+        assertSqlState(sqlState)
+        sqlState
+      }
+      .getOrElse(ctx.getText)
+  }
+  override def visitConditionValues(ctx: ConditionValuesContext): Seq[String] 
= {
+    val buff = scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]()
+    ctx.cvList.forEach { conditionValue =>
+      val elem = visit(conditionValue).asInstanceOf[String]
+      if (buff(elem)) {
+        throw 
+      }
+      buff += elem
+    }
+    buff.toSeq
+  }
+  private def visitDeclareConditionStatementImpl(
+      ctx: DeclareConditionStatementContext): ErrorCondition = {
+    val conditionName = ctx.multipartIdentifier().getText
+    val sqlState = Option(ctx.sqlStateValue())
+      .map(_.getText.replace("'", "")).getOrElse("45000")
+    assertSqlState(sqlState)
+    ErrorCondition(conditionName, sqlState)
+  }
+  private def visitDeclareHandlerStatementImpl(
+      ctx: DeclareHandlerStatementContext,
+      labelCtx: SqlScriptingLabelContext): ErrorHandler = {
+    val conditions = visit(ctx.conditionValues()).asInstanceOf[Seq[String]]
+    if (Option(ctx.CONTINUE()).isDefined) {
+      throw SqlScriptingErrors.continueHandlerNotSupported(CurrentOrigin.get)
+    }
+    val handlerType = HandlerType.EXIT
+    val body = if (Option(ctx.compoundBody()).isDefined) {
+      visitCompoundBodyImpl(
+        ctx.compoundBody(),
+        None,
+        allowVarDeclare = true,
+        labelCtx,
+        isScope = false)
+    } else {
+      val logicalPlan = visitChildren(ctx).asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan]
+      CompoundBody(Seq(SingleStatement(parsedPlan = logicalPlan)), None, 
isScope = false)
+    }
+    ErrorHandler(conditions, body, handlerType)
+  }
   private def visitCompoundBodyImpl(
       ctx: CompoundBodyContext,
       label: Option[String],
       allowVarDeclare: Boolean,
       labelCtx: SqlScriptingLabelContext,
       isScope: Boolean): CompoundBody = {
     val buff = ListBuffer[CompoundPlanStatement]()
-    ctx.compoundStatements.forEach(
-      compoundStatement => buff += 
visitCompoundStatementImpl(compoundStatement, labelCtx))
+    val handlers = ListBuffer[ErrorHandler]()
+    val conditions = HashMap[String, String]()
+    ctx.compoundStatements.forEach(compoundStatement => {
+      val stmt = visitCompoundStatementImpl(compoundStatement, labelCtx)
+      stmt match {
+        case handler: ErrorHandler => handlers += handler
+        case condition: ErrorCondition =>
+          // Check for duplicate condition names in each scope.
+          if (conditions.contains(condition.conditionName)) {
+            throw SparkException.internalError(
+              s"Duplicate condition name ${condition.conditionName}.")

Review Comment:
   why is this an internal error - isn't it a user mistake?

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