Hi Jeff,

> If you take v2.6.3 from unstable and use the attached patch, the test
> passes in a standard schroot, but fails in reprotest.

To avoid any issue about global vs. local vs. "blib" paths that I've
run into before with Perl software rather than running that test
directly with prove I applied this against 2.6.3 from unstable,
applied your previously-attached patch and built the entire Debian
package (which naturally ran full testsuite) …

> Specifically, the PDF creation datetime is being returned as 2018-12-31
> 00:00, rather than the expected 12:00, but the timezone in reprotest
> seems to be GMT.

… but alas I could not reproduce this failure in my own (non-reprotest)
reproducible testing harness.

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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